A word about our fees

We understand that the costs of representation are a major concern of our clients.  There are many uncertainties in legal matters.  The basis for our fees and the engagement’s expected cost should not be one of them.

Although we are open to discussing alternative fee arrangements, the nature of the matter generally drives how we are paid.  We are usually compensated by the hour for representation of defendants in litigation and in business-related matters, such as breach of contract or unfair competition actions.  Our fee may be contingent on the outcome in our representation of plaintiffs in complex personal injury matters and in some business cases.  When we do represent clients on a contingent fee basis, the client is responsible for the court costs and expenses, regardless of recovery.  In some matters, we receive a fixed fee or our compensation is a combination of reduced hourly rates and a contingent fee.

Many of our clients have developed “best practices” for billing legal services.  We have incorporated these measures into our practice so that our clients clearly understand the fees or costs incurred and why they were incurred.

We know the total cost of representation is just as, if not more, important to our clients than the basis on which we will be paid.  From the outset of the representation, we discuss with our clients the cost range of the engagement based on the work anticipated at the time.  As the engagement proceeds, our clients can expect that we will update them on the cost projections and secure their approval before undertaking additional work.