We believe that lawyers try all their cases, though maybe not to a jury or to a court.

Filed Under: Client Success, Finer Points, Professional Liability

Lawyers try their cases to their opponent as they proceed through discovery, pre-trial hearings, informal settlement discussions, and mediation.

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When lawyers make the litigation personal, they do not serve their clients well.

Filed Under: A Word About Our Fees, Client Success, Finer Points, Professional Liability

First, any opposing lawyer will become a very good lawyer if personally motivated.  Disrespect towards an opposing lawyer often compels the lawyer to think long, hard, and often about how to win the case. Second, more time than necessary is spent fighting over matters usually resolved by agreement, which costs clients’ money, time, or both.

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Juries understand science.

Filed Under: Finer Points, Toxic Tort and Product Liability

But jurors do not value scientific evidence as highly as lawyers and experts do. To explain science effectively to jurors, trial attorneys must understand the strategies jurors use to make every-day decisions.

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